Drinking & Dragons

Wild:16 Ambushing Do Deng

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 08:40, 24 July 2009 by >T3knomanser

Starring: Nathaniel-skull.gif Nathaniel, Pirate.gif Brilla, Bo-icon.gif Bo, Fuelwen-icon.gif Fuelwen, Rake.jpg Rake
Guest Starring: Ethyl, Deenar, Fan Empire cast
Challenge: ???
Location: Garl, ?
Date Played: 22 July 2009



Fuelwen-icon.gif Fuelwen: We made our preparations on Tepu, and sailed back to Garl, loaded with explosives. On the way, we had dreams. All of us. An odd coincidence, but each of them seemed to be portentous. I denied having one.


Fuelwen-icon.gif Fuelwen: We needed to get Bob in contact with Dung for an extended period of time. Which meant we needed to kidnap Dung. I laid out the plan- we would fire the fireworks off of a bridge. After stunning Dung with an explosion, Rake would toss him off the bridge. I would subdue him in the water, and we would use a boat to get away down the river. With the addition of some hirelings to our party, we hoped that we had enough force to overcome.


Fuelwen-icon.gif Fuelwen: As one would expect, the plan evaporated within the first seconds of the attempt. Our setup was successful, all the pieces were where we wanted them to be. But Dung was quicker than we expected- he reacted to the stunning explosion in a flash, despite being blinded.

He ran under the bridge, clinging to the underside with magic. I netted him, but couldn't get close enough to bring him down. Brilla detonated the bomb, which added to the damage, but destroyed the net ((OOC: which has only 5 HP, by the way)). Nathaniel did what he could to keep Dung silenced to prevent spellcasting, while Rake did Rake things, and Bo supported the party, and tried to help grapple Dung. Our hirelings handled Dung's guards.


Fuelwen-icon.gif Fuelwen: Our hands were tied by attempting to not kill Dung. That, and he's actually a formidable grappler, and was difficult to contain. Finally, he used magic to escape the scene. We injured him, but now he has the opportunity to marshal his reinforcements.


XP works out that everyone levels after this session, with some padding, too.