Wild:43 Two or Three Timing
Starring: Bo, Fuelwen & Splat, Brilla, TskTsk
Guest Starring: Jayde, Ethyl, The Lord (Rakshasa), "I won't give you power over me with my name" Satyr
Challenge: Trusted Lieutenant (Kobold Sorcerer Evoker 10), Jalek (Halfing Divine Mind 10), Lurk 6 x 6, Mooks
Location: Moonless Island, Fuulyoo Island
Date Played: 12 Aug 2010
Plotting Revenge
Hideaway on Fuulyoo Island
Battle in the Square
🎲 DM I boobooed. The Divine Mind's aura granted +3 attack/damage/AC/DR -- I was only giving a 2. Moot, though.
Approach In Peace
The Battle Turns South (AKA, Deafness all 'round)
Jalek Turns
🎲 DM Jalek surrendered/assisted-with-finishing as the sorcerer ran away. He pleads mercy and promises to leave service of the island and go elsewhere. Resolution?
Wiki edit: Loot: 6 lurks (MW Composite Longbow [+1 Str], MW Chain Shirt, MW Halberd each) Money exchanged: 4,875*2=9,750gp. +200 gp to Jayde for services straightening out the treasury.
- TskTsk bought a strengthy composite longbow
- 1 dose "wrinkle cream" to Bo
- Ship repainted; named Tumbler