Drinking & Dragons


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Revision as of 15:07, 21 October 2017 by >Drmeow77 (→‎Treacherous Journey)

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Starring: Hilma, Haneet, Karaz, Tokki, Isra'a
Guest Starring: Svevenka
Challenge: Below
Location: Black Library, foothills of the Kodar mountains
Date Played: 2017 September 30

Sighting Xin-Shalast

Chapter 6: Spires of Xin Shalast - Part 2,3:


Karaz: The pretty lady kept us safe and helped us get sober. Said we had helped her relative. I remember that time, but there were no gold sparkles here to make Haneet love me. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad one. I know that love is not real, not for me anyway, but it is still the happiest few days I can remember. The air is thin here and hard to breathe but we are adjusting slowly. We will rest here for a while until my companions are fit to continue.

Treacherous Journey

Karaz: So the path to Leng is long and hard. When has any thing in my life been easy? The weather is cold and unpleasant, the footing treacherous, and the river cold and forbidding. And of course when I can't wear my flying boots we get attacked by thunderbirds. They taste ok but fighting creatures hundreds of feet in the air is not pleasant. I can get up there ok, but the frozen ground is very hard when you come back down. But I helped. The birds did not get Hilma and that is all that matters. I would fall any distance to protect them. And we got an all you can eat dinner out of the bargain too.

Sighting the City

🎲 DM Section


Recap Reward

1 spell level worth of a "wondrous potion/oil" of 4th level or lower; RANGER casting list. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/spellLists.html#ranger-spells