Drinking & Dragons

Brew:1 So Many Turkeys

From Drinking and Dragons

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Starring: Brick.gif Brick, James Vincent, Hipster.gif Guy, Bethany, Becca, Ilke
Guest Starring: Eliot Johnson (Dead student); Maxwell "Silver Hammer" Van West-Zanen; King Splendor; Sharon Kingsley; Stan Corso
Challenge: None but soon a mass of wild turkeys
Location: Brewed Awakening; Cinema Kitchen; Epsilon Alpha frat house
Date Played: 23 Feb 2012

🎲 DM: CUT CUT CUT. I cannot believe that she did this! We've been Firefly'd by Fox. Why on earth did I agree to do this show on this network. They've aired the episodes out of order. They decided to start with a "more exciting" episode and started with one of our finale episodes. I've talked with them and we're back on track. Now on to the first real episode....

Hangin' Out At Brewed Awakening

Brick.gif Brick: Hey, yo! I spent the mornin' at my favorite coffeeshop. I'm glad the team captain, Rich told me 'bout the place last year. The place is always full of characters. Today, as I was readin' about the local sports teams in the paper, a fight nearly broke out. This little built chick looked like she was gonna go off on this old dude, but the old dude ditched.

James: Damn that girl is super fine. I must spend half my weekly budget at Brewed Awakening just for a chance to get served by her. I wish I knew her name There's something about that purple streak in her hair that just...

Where was I? Oh yeah, the bird-assault. I knew the manager Abraham from before, we've chatted a little bit about some of the magic-themed books in the store on occasion. Friendly dude. So there I was, ordering some overpriced but tasty beverage from the hottie, and Abraham tells me about the weirdness going on. He mentions the newspaper article. So I pick up a copy and check it out.

It turns out this freshman just died. Pecked to death by a bunch of goddamn pigeons! What the hell, I mean... seriously? Something supernatural has gotta be going on here. I didn't have much time to ruminate on it when a scuffle breaks out at a table on the other side of the room. Some cop didn't like what this writer dude was sayin' to her it seems. I piece it together - she was one of the investigators in the newspaper article. So I go talk to her after the bearded guy scampers off.

Sharon (the cop) wasn't too keen on my attempts at being smooth, but a couple other interesting gals came along and helped me get some info out of her. We're all kind of interested for various reasons, so we hang out for a bit and look stuff up about the killing. The one-armed chick was pretty nice (and it looked like she could fuck me up if I pissed her off), but the cute-ish nerdy one was pretty irritating. And that freaky blonde guy playing guitar in the corner got into the story too.

The Birds Is Playing At Cinema Kitchen

Brick.gif Brick: I finally got through the football and basketball articles, and this little girl... I can't remember her name, but I've seen her before... in a cheerleader outfit says she's scared & wants me to walk her somewhere. She must know that no one messes with Brick! I agree & walk with her to an alley. Man, I don't know why she wants to be here. The place is full of bird shit! Then she starts actin' funny. She asks me a buncha questions like what's my name. How can she not know the best defensive lineman at WUoP!?! She doesn't seem like she's payin' much attention to me so I think 'bout ditchin', but then she asks me 'bout checkin' out the latest flick at the movie joint.

We go to check out what's playin' 'cuz I ain't gonna see no chick-flick! Turns out it's "The Birds". It sounds sorta cool, I wonder what it's about as we go in & check it out.

Man, the show was great! Crazy birds killin' shit everywhere! Yeah!!! When we get out some o' the guys I remember from the coffee shop come up to us & ask about Elliot, a new pledge at the frat I'm in. They tell me that Elliot's dead! Not only that, but man, he's been killed by birds! Just like the movie! Shit man, that's heavy... I tell them that he was tight with Maxwell & call up the house. "Tater" tells us that Maxwell's playin' some Modern Warfare & losin' like normal. Man, the guy just ain't that good. It's point & shoot, man! nyway, these guys really want to talk to him so I offer to take 'em to the frat house.

Epsilon Alpha Frat House Smells Bad

Brick.gif Brick: We make it to the frat house, and the hippie dude asks 'bout some turkey's in the yard. Man, that's some crazy shit. You usually don't see turkeys this far in the city like this. Anyway, we go inside & I hear yelling upstairs so run up. Turns out Maxwell's just cussin' up a storm 'cuz he's losin' like normal. When he's done with the match, I pull him over & talk with him about Elliot.

We go downstairs, & he seems a little distant 'bout it. He says that he lost a neckless 'bout the same time Elliot disappeared. I also got to make some popcorn! I thought "Slider" & Terry ate 'em all. Sweet! I start nukin' a bag & suddenly I hear a scream from the other room from the girl I went to the movie with... damn, what was her name... She's yellin' about dying & turkeys...


Attendance: +1 xp for Ian, Brad, Joe, Andrew, Ankur, & Tim


The commercial break featured an ad for Blimp travel and how safe it is.
