Drinking & Dragons

RPM:4 Prison Break

From Drinking and Dragons

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Starring: 🏹 Ehsan, πŸ’ƒ Milady Rosalie, 🐘 One-Tusk
Guest Starring: Zephyrine, Iosif Kettleblack, Gritaan, Alyn Leyshon
Challenge: Rhys Samrook and thugs, Tawaporah's "framing" of Hugo
Location: La Magie de Prison, Eben Consulate, Sweet Cakes
Date Played: 06 Dec 2016

Hugo Arrested on a Murder Charge

πŸ’ƒ Milady Rosalie:

Returning Zephyrine's Favor

🏹 Ehsan: All day I've been keeping a watch on this house and the residents don't step out all day. This section of the city isn't particularly keen on the Royal Pride so I'd like to keep my presence relatively unknown and stick to the rooftops to get a good vantage. I should just slip the damned note under the door and leave it but Zephyrine specifically said to hand the note to this woman physically and I'll make sure to at least do this task correctly.

The air grows heavy as the sun sets and rain hits not long after. Thankfully I brought along my oiled cloak but the dampness still soaks into everything as the night goes on. It's almost morning now and as I'm ready to call it a night some figures in black start circling around the house while some commotion is going on in an alleyway. Whoever is in that alley needs to see to their own protection, because whatever is happening in that house is surely not going to go over well.

I try knocking on their door to draw the residents out towards the front of the house but it seems like I moved too slowly as there's already a commotion going on inside. I burst through the front window as it's the most direct way inside. Things are progressing quickly and I want to leave nothing to chance so I fire off a lightburst arrow (one of Florint's creations) into the room to distract the attackers just long enough for me to dispatch them. There is an older woman and young girl left reeling from my shot, but in order to act quickly it was necessary. They are...less than thankful for my assistance, thinking at first that I was with them. I try to correct them but it seems that my words don't really matter her. I'm Royal Pride. They don't trust me and when the older woman recovers tries her hardest to get me to leave short of physically shoving me out the door. Obviously I am not welcome here and pass along the note to her. My task is done and so I leave. I'll report this to Zephyrine tomorrow. Right now, I need to get dry and sleep. It has been a very long evening.

OneTusk Jumped by a Survivor of Briskadon

🐘 One-Tusk:

Visit to Sweet Cakes to Find Out More about Tawaporah

πŸ’ƒ Milady Rosalie:

🏹 Ehsan: ...and apparently the evening will not end. It seems I am to continue on through this day no matter how much I insist on some form of rest.

A note was left for me at my door by Lady Rosalie. The note is, predictably, vague in nature and only says to meet her at a specific location to discuss some matters immediately. One Tusk is also there, Ildefons and Hugo being both notable absences. As for Hugo this meeting seems to regard him. Apparently he has been arrested under some...suspicious pretenses. Though I may never fully understand how their policing and governance works, I will at least accept it for what it is. The reactions to crimes by, from or in the name of the Sorcier are taken in such serious regard that the swiftness of the process surrounding those matters is enough to give someone whiplash. Regardless, Rosalie has spoken to Hugo regarding the nature of his arrest and it seems to be that the man was framed. Something like this will definitely be hard to work around if we're to clear his name, but Rosalie says she knows a man who may be able to help. My presence no longer seems necessary so I retire to my home to change and finally sleep.

Or, as it is evident, this did not happen at all. I sleep for possibly 10 minutes before an overly aggressive pounding is at my door. My presence is actually required it seems. The group of us travels to a well known bakery in the area; a place called Sweet Cakes. Rosalie is old friends with the owner and he should be able to help out with Hugo's situation. While I don't see why I was necessary for this particular portion of our outing, I will say at least that the baked goods here are some of the best I've had. Nothing like our sweet back home of course. The ones back home are more subtle in their sweetness but I will say the one pastry with the apricot jam was particularly wonderful.

🐘 One-Tusk:

Should Zephryine Be Set Free?

πŸ’ƒ Milady Rosalie:

🏹 Ehsan:

🐘 One-Tusk:

Looking into the Zephyrine's Charges

🐘 One-Tusk:

Talking with Zephyrine

🏹 Ehsan:

Prison Break by the Sorcier

πŸ’ƒ Milady Rosalie:

🏹 Ehsan:

🐘 One-Tusk:
