GPCFBRPGN:2 E1S2 Life is a Carnival
From Drinking and Dragons
Starring: Blink,
Guest Starring: GPCFBRPGN:NPCs/Markov, GPCFRPGN:NPCs/Malatyne
Challenge: [Encounter 1] Hellhound, Goblin Shaman, Wibble ×3; [Encounter 2] Dwarf Tamer, Traps ×3, Thrulls {Qty
Location: Ashburg, Durell
|date=2018 December 04 |prev=GPCFBRPGN:1_E1S1_The_Milkrun |next=GPCFBRPGN:3_E2S1_Behind_Enemy_Lines }}
GM Play notes
GM: The players try to hide form the orc bounty on their heads in a small village that, unbeknownst to them, is going to be hosting Hell's Carnival. The group has their first taste of rolling non-stop 1s, and eventually end up in the clutches of Elspeth Malatyne.
- Group tries to lay low
- Foster is OK
- Blink gets her hand stuck in amber when trying to open Malatyne's luggage
- Gideon has some gland issues
- Markov noticed Foster after they fail to exit the town
- Enter running horse/cart gag
- Drug to Hell's Carnival
- Blink and Gideon get fixed
- Things go very, very wrong
- [Encounter 1]
- Foster missing
- Blink and Gideon eventually find a way to find Foster and make their way to Malatyne's Estate
- All three escape the Estate and vow some sort of revenge.
Player Notes