Drinking & Dragons

L:14 No Homara

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 15:26, 30 December 2011 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs) (Finishing Dario's recap)

← Prev: L:13 Cooked Jeff   |  

Starring: Nict-icon.gif Nict, Thaddeus-icon.gif Thaddeus, Tarralon-icon.gif Tarralon, Donovan.png Donovan, & Dario-icon.gif Dario
Guest Starring: Chloe Dunn
Challenge: Lizard Wizards
Location: Aculemortis Swamp
Date Played: 04 Dec 2011

Save Point

Dario-icon.gif Dario: After the encounter with the orcs we spend the next few days at Donovan's home so that Thad can recuperate. The orcs with the dragon tattoos are identified to work for the Brimstones, an organization that hasn't been seen in hundreds of years, not since this swamp became a swamp.

On their persons is a note instructing them to "provide Chloe Dunn with incentive that she will not refuse". This sounds like a threat to a damsel in distress but Tarrallon tells us that Chloe Dunn is an ancient name and she is to be long dead.

You have a fine bridge

First Temple of Homara.jpg

Dario-icon.gif Dario: We continue to travel to the neutral village on the map and ahead we see smoke. As we get near we see a single humanoid pacing on the other end of a very long bridge. Behind is the ruin of a temple. We approach directly and discover that this is Chloe Dunn and apparently she, and the lizard wizards, are immortal.

She tells us about the history of Acule and how the king was a good man and wanted the best for his people. In his efforts to make Acule a utopia something went wrong. How could a process involving Dar root go wrong? The answer to that is that the nation is upended, literally, and sinks into the swamp. The lizard wizards are pushing hard to try and recreate the epic spell gone wrong in an effort to undo the destruction. They are lead by the priestess Medikara.

Travel by laser

Great Temple of Homara.jpg

Dario-icon.gif Dario: Chloe can transport us to the central temple by beams of light, but she tells us that all travel using this method is known to the priestesses. We arrange to "fall" out of the beam early and we hide in the mountains. We watch the lizards for a day and approach the tower during the day when they are the least active. The guards allow us to enter.

As we walk up a rounded walkway we encounter a blockade that we are not able to talk our way past. In the violence I hesitate and confirm that the lizard folk are evil. My conscious appeased, I attack with wild abandon.


The orc's gear from the previous session yielded: