From Drinking and Dragons
When dividing up loot, please make a line for each person with their value, rather than "each person gets X". Then, when that person claims their loot off this page to their own log sheet, we can be certain as to what was added and not. This will keep it clean.
Slush Fund: 1195.02gp
Weapons & Armor
Slotted Items (0#)
Consumable Items
Misc Magic
- Bag of Holding, type 1 - carried by Nathaniel with Slush in it.
Mundane Items
- Hag's notes, including potion recipe
- Copper lock box, with refillable gas trap
- Very new, crude but detailed map of Lull.
- Nicely framed and accurate map with the Fan Empire in the center
- Very fine jeweled scepter -- Nathaniel is having it appraised twice to confirm value, then sell.
- "I think the scepter's worth about 8000." (Your sense motive makes you think he's holding something back.) "I'm not sure. I just think I've seen or heard of it before. The craftsmanship and jewels are worth 8,000."
- Nathaniel's bardic knowledge, once jogged by this, makes him remember that the scepter fits the description of that stolen from some monarch. Now if only he could remember which and where.
Recent Sessions
Between Sessions
Fuelwen sold the Bracers of Archery, Lesser for 2,500gp (500gp/player) claim it now.
Fuelwen and Nathaniel's 500gp claimed.
Wild:14 Fan
- 2500 for delivery of feathers (+416.66 to all PCs and Slush)
- Nathaniel claimed
- Pearls (25gp @ 12) to Nathaniel for digging in poop (claimed)
- -15gp Slush for whores
- -60gp Slush for good map and fancy frame
Wild:11 Nathaniel's Blunder
+35gp RakeSilver Holy Symbol to Celestian (9 @ 25gp)- One given to Big;
225 gp to slush
- One given to Big;
- Misc. gems from ghouls (10 @ 100 gp)
- 200gp each person
- 200gp each person
- Starmetal ore (enough for a light weapon) -- sold for 6700 gp
- 1200 gp each person
700 gp slush
- 1200 gp each person
- Five tons of iron each (1,000 gp value) - feel free to convert this to GP value; it's easily sold on Drnin Tg. Unless someone sinks the ship. --Mqs 01:04, 4 June 2009 (UTC)
Rake's claimed.Brilla's Iron MoneyBo's claims=2400,NathanielFuelwen's claimed