Drinking & Dragons

SH:Session/2 Professor Siati Chases String Theory

From Drinking and Dragons

← Prev: 1 Gathering the Team   |   Next: 3 World Peace Averted

Starring: Dr Dare, Herb the Mechanic, Neferhotep, and Professor Siati
Guest Starring: Villain in NY Yankess ballcap; Methuselah(?) and Willenthorp
Challenge: Villain in NY Yankess ballcap; Methuselah(?) and Willenthorp
Location: North Dakota, Jan 3, 1939; Russia 1984 (same time as Iron Curtain)
Date Played: 30 Nov 2015

North Dakota, 1939

Saiti: In the aftermath of the mechanical dinosaur fight we discuss our options until Herb the android starts sounding an alarm. Dare checks and it turns out that Russia 1984 is a temporal trouble spot, or "timestream incident". Knowing that to jump to action is to arrive unprepared, Dare and I set about to mathemagically scry this temporal location. As Dare is writing equations in the snow, Neferhotep is erecting shelter for us from the storm. I attempt to slightly improve Dare's calculations but find that I'm only adequate to the task.

The reason then appears—or rather disappears—before my eyes as I begin to fade in and out of reality in a fashion reminiscent of the classic film Back to the Future.

Our scry is successful and our sensor flies over the scene of a science carnival, complete with petting zoo. This would be a cause for celebration if not for the Russian and alien guards all over the complex that Dare and the DOPES destroyed in the timeline that we know and love. Neferhotep tells us that they are Globtrons, an ooze of an alien that pours itself into a suit to resemble a man.

Russia, Alternate Future, 1984

Saiti: We arrive in 1984 without issue. Herb dresses as a mechanic to enter the building—requiring no costume change on his part—and I hide on his person, gaining me entrance. Dare is recognized by this mirror world version of Willenthorp and he and Neferhotep are welcomed, as Dare is one of the speakers.

We learn that this celebration is centered around the anniversary of First Contact with the Globtrons by the Russians. (See Shotguns & Strings, —editor) Apparently the Russians and aliens have been working together for a while now, which is a big change from our timeline.

I quickly run around the complex, gathering information on positions, talks, troops, etc. Lots of big names, Reagan, Hawking, Dare.

Battle with Methuselah that frankly we started

Saiti: While I wasn't there for the introduction, our Dr Dare was introduced to a wheelchair-bound elderly Methuselah by Willenthorp. At the moment that Dare shakes hands with Methuselah I get an overwhelming sense of dread and bolt to help Dare. As I arrive the lights go out—the work of Herb—and I ineffectively pass through Methuselah as I try to slice his jugular. Damn this fading out of time!

Neferhotep takes up the charge and attacks Methuselah, who has risen from his chair and is wielding wild mathemagics. As the fight progresses a strange thing happens. The man in the NY Yankees cap who we thought was Methuselah and who has been causing problems arrives. The fray gets explosive.

Dare gathers energies and I see in him more of what drew me towards him originally. His eyes are a chaotic mess of formulae and energy crackles in the air.

Then everything goes BOOM.