Drinking & Dragons

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[[RPM:Places/Mahakala’as’saroud's Caverns|Mahakala’as’saroud's Caverns]]
[[RPM:Places/Mahakala’as’saroud's Caverns|Mahakala’as’saroud's Caverns]]
|foe=Prison break; Dialogue with Mahakala’as’saroud
|foe=Prison break; Dialogue with Mahakala’as’saroud
|date=07 Mar 2017
|date=07 Mar 2018
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|next=[[RPM:24 Just A Bunch of Bean Counters]]
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Revision as of 17:13, 2 April 2018

← Prev: RPM:22 Scorpion King   |   Next: RPM:24 Just A Bunch of Bean Counters

Starring: 🏹 Ehsan, 🐺 Ildefons, 🐘 One-Tusk, Renard
Guest Starring: Nabila Mahakala, Sabah Qarout, Sima Patil, Qamar Mahakala, Mahakala’as’saroud
Challenge: Prison break; Dialogue with Mahakala’as’saroud
Location: Mahakala (City), Wurud Palace, Mahakala’as’saroud's Caverns
Date Played: 07 Mar 2018

Attempted Murder in the Queen Consort's Chambers

White Collar Prison and Escape by Mob

🐘 One-Tusk: I'm not surprised about getting arrested, and I'm happy to say I gave as good as I got. I've been rabble rousing, because by the Fates, the rabble should rightfully rule! They shouldn't be collateral damage in pointless wars between violent noble houses, nor should they exist to serve the dragons, and I'm happy to say so.

But that's not why I got arrested. The whole team is fucked. Ehsan is suicidal and willing to sacrifice it all to save her sister, but we're deep in the bowels of the castle with no real escape routes and an execution planned for the next day. But that's when inspiration strikes. Sima reveals that the mark of the dragon which is placed on the heir is a fraud. It's tattooed on, magically, while the child is an infant, and is used to grant mystical legitimacy to the heir.

Because all nobility is a fraud. And one fraud deserves another. We hatch a plan to tattoo Ehsan with the mark, claim that she's the rightful heir as they march us up to the guillotine, and escape in the ensuing chaos. Ehsan absolutely hates this plan, and I can't say I think it's particularly great, but it's the best we can do on short notice.

It largely works, though we get separated, and I spend my time fighting in the streets while Ehsan and Qamar go to confront Maahkala'as'saroud.

Showdown with Mahakala’as’saroud

Qamar: Mahkala'as'saroud questions my legitimacy because I was willing to lend an ear to the masses. I still believe in the rightness of that, but I must serve, and thus offer a compromise to save myself, my sister, and her strange friends: I shall split my power with all of my other sisters… save Ehsan, who must be exiled and stripped of all titles and ranks. This price is heavy, but it is a price that must be paid, but I fear that I may be giving up more than I rightfully can…

🐘 One-Tusk: Freed, and with the blessing of the co-queens, we are given our liberty of the city. Despite myself, I find myself sharing a drink with the same cop who arrested me, who confronted me after our escape, and generally is the sort of asshole who deserves the guillotine. We shared a lot of drinks, and after a few, he's not too bad for a pig. Besides, how can he be just when the society surrounding him is corrupt?

I'm worried about Ehsan. Once we board the ship, I plan to offer her some support. I know we… are often at loggerheads, but I know what it's like to sacrifice literally everything, down to your very identity.
