GPCFBRPGN:4 E2S2 How Gideon Got His Grove Back
From Drinking and Dragons
← Prev: GPCFBRPGN:3_E2S1_Behind_Enemy_Lines | Next: GPCFBRPGN:5_E3S1_Frozen_Fires_of_War →
Starring: Amsah, Blink, Brooks, Foster, Gideon
Guest Starring: Malcolm Burwright
Challenge: [Encounter 1] Trog ×2, Trog Chanter, Lake monster hazard; [Encounter 2] Sahaugin, Imp, Dretch ×3
Location: Sewers under Ushiny
Date Played: 2019 January 8
GM Play notes
GM: The players meet with Malcolm at his estate. Gideon and he join in a totem pact and everyone agrees to end the sahaugin threat to seal the pact.
- Malcolm reveals he is not so enfeebeld and was doing it as a defense mechanism.
- Agreed to join the totem of the opossum.
- Ritual involves trading an item of value that both have in a grab-and-snatch.
- Gideon got stuck in a cocoon state.
- Travel to sewers to find the nest that Blink found the tracks to.
- [Encounter 1]
- Find further notes of a ritual room
- Sahaugin has books that were stolen from The Diabolist and was using bodies to summon an army of devils (slowly)
- [Encounter 2]
- Sahaugin has books that were stolen from The Diabolist and was using bodies to summon an army of devils (slowly)
- Group finds the complete the ritual they must make amends with the rest of Malcolm's family.
- Determined to get more information of the situation thy find themselves in by going to Sandestea and reunite Marlene Burwright at the same time.