Drinking & Dragons

Brew:17 Sum Worshippers

From Drinking and Dragons

← Prev: 16 Yabba Dabba Doom   |  

Starring: James-icon.png James, Brick.gif Brick, Becca.png Becca, and introducing Thomas.
Guest Starring: Chang, Sharon Kingsley, Trina the Think Geek booth babe
Challenge: Math puns; Tim Wang
Location: Kokomo, specifically the Smith and Westin Hotel, the Ko Ko Motel on the outskirts of town, and the Speakeasy Hotel.
Date Played: 29 July 2012


🎲 DM: With the long gap between sessions, I wrote a recap of the storyline thus far.

Previously, on Brewed Awakening ... the coffee shop is bustling with the usual activity, students come in waves as class lets out, professors and professionals get their mid-afternoon cuppa joe, and then someone, or more precisely, ones step into the shop who are definitely out of the ordinary. Three women in burkas accompany a middle-aged dour Iranian man who confers with Abraham Crane briefly, and then leaves.

Soon a flyer is posted to the attention of the paranet, warning them that a genie, or djinn, is on the loose. This fact is already known to some, as they recently battered one down with Segways. Research mode is started to try and find where the djinn went in the ambulance. During the research, the collective of free-spirits at the Highpoint House contacts Ilke, saying they were harassed by ninjas warning them about the laws of magic.

It turns out that Brick goes to Church with Wenn Care, one of the women in the photo found in the djinn's bag. The djinn is named Ghazi Al-Razi and is in intensive care at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital on campus. A casual visit to the ICU turns wicked, as Tim Wang is trying to choke Ghazi with a pillow when everyone arrives. Threatening to hex the ICU equipment buys Tim his escape.

Seeking out more information the group turns to Sharon Kingsley, for help finding out about the other girl in the picture that was found on Ghazi. Sharon, being a rookie cop and friendly with the paranet, pulls some strings and gets finds out that the girl's name is Kimberly Pierson. Some research on Facemart turns up the fact that she is the treasurer of the Honey Pot, a beekeeping group in squirrel hill, the center of the Allegheny City jewish community.

The Honey Pot Tea House is frequently mostly by elderly women, including Becca's Meemaw, who both plays matchmaker and offers to make her friends a nice brisket. A loud crash is heard as a car is overturned by incoming air elementals of some sort, who smash the window and blow bolts of air into the place. James takes note that the elementals are barred from entering by some sort of wall of bees.

After the elementals are dispatched, the occupant of the car is dragged to safety and is revealed to be Kimberly. She requests that Brick watch Ghazi's cat for the next 24 hours, since she is headed to the hospital. Everyone immediately breaks into Ghazi's place and discovers his journal, written mostly in Farsi but also a smattering of German. From what is decyphered, Tim Wang has somehow been manipulating Ghazi into doing the terrible things that he did.

It was also discovered, on Facemart, that Tim Wang bolted out of town to Kokomo, the Vegas of the midwest, to join his friends at the 2012 Extramural US Mathletics Competition. Fretting how they will catch up to him in time (as no one has any money), fate steps in and provides tickets. Crane had a vision that tickets would be needed and he put the coffee shop's resident hacker on the job to provide transportation to Kokomo for everyone.

A simple bus trip turns upside down as visions of previous lives are brought into focus for everyone. The epicenter of this is Ilke's missing arm, which, if the flashbacks are to be believed, is a key to something powerful for the fae. With each reincarnation seven fae appear and take it by force, if needed. The journey through the past ends with Ilke agreeing to go with them to help set problems right and the departure is bittersweet.

You awaken slowly as the megabus pulls into the station. You check your phone and see that it is just after 11pm. Climbing off of the bus you see the bright flashing wonder that is Kokomo!

Securing a Hotel

Exploring the Mathletics Competition

Triga-TRON-omy Contest, Sponsored by Think Geek

Dr. Lem, Coach for the WUP Sum Worshippers

Local Paranet


AfterMath Party Ruined and Rooftop Fight


There was no commercial break.