Drinking & Dragons

Vat:05 Are You Ready To Ruuuuuuumble

From Drinking and Dragons
Revision as of 05:31, 3 August 2012 by Wizardoest (talk | contribs) (Starting Joseph's recap)

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Starring: Joseph.gif Joseph, Muscle.gif Amiri, Steve.gif Steve, Koz.gif Koz, and Sophia.gif Sophia
Guest Starring: Dick Wonderglass, Anya (Sophia's Sister)
Challenge: Pro Wrestling with each other
Location: Body Hut
Date Played: 13 July 2012

Background Events at VAT

Joseph.gif Joseph: So the fine folks who run this shindig have given us a doctored up coach with Petroleum Environmental painted across its side. The insides are climate controlled and have a host of giant plastic shields, batons, pepperspray and one thing that looks like a remote control that throws lightning.

Southwestern PA Wrestling Club

Joseph.gif Joseph: Seems that the African fella is a member of a gym called the Body Hut. At first I reckon that it's a black only club—the name does include "hut"—but then I'm told that isn't the polite thang to say, so I just go mum. Apparently the club is hosting a wrestling tourney run by a scab of man named Dick Wonderglass. There is something said about a party in the rear and work in the front, but I don't git it.

The Card

Viet-Orc (or Corn and Maise)


Paulineicon.gif Pauline: After the events on the highway, I needed a little time to myself. It's not every day you kill a man over a pile of rocks. And was I pissed about that, too. I don't like being somebody's hired gun, so you can bet Jørgin and Pat got an earful from me.

They wanted me to talk to some shrink, and honestly, I wasn't opposed. I've been having nightmares about that damn shotgun…

But Pat explained what it was we were carrying- at least what he thinks it is. If they're right, I can see why people want the damn thing. I also have a sense that Brigid has had a hand in this. I've made sure to bring up the subject in my prayers. I need to do a little research, but her connection to… those rocks may be a little stronger than I think.