Drinking & Dragons

RPM:27 Ranch Dressing Room

From Drinking and Dragons

← Prev: RPM:26 Farmers; Return of the Swamp Sillage   |  

Starring: 🏹 Ehsan, 🐺 Ildefons, 🐘 One-Tusk, 🔫Alexis
Guest Starring: Bukir Sokolov, Magalie Gachet, Bukir Sokolov, Isabeau Paradis, Odilon Paradis, Imogene, Two Hands of Liberty promised for the RPM
Challenge: Swamp Sillage in the Senate—Plantopus, Plantopus, Venus Death Traps, and the Angry Heat Swamp Tree
Location: Liberty Forum, e.g. "Ivory Elephant"
Date Played: 13 June 2018

Finding Alexis

🎲 DM: Alexis had fell through a whole in the floor, separating her from the rest of the group in the previous session.

Senator Paradis and her Lost Son

🎲 DM: Ildefons, Ehsan, and OneTusk hear a gunshot and find Senator Isabeau Paradis, who "orders" them to find her son, Odilon, who has run off to rescue the artist doing a portrait for her.

Bukir, the Diplomat from Condrol, and his Head Clerk

🎲 DM: Alexis discovers Bukir and Magalie in the lower levels and guides them back to the rest of the group.

Getting Florint to the Sillage

🎲 DM: Mandrot, along with two Hands of Liberty, are to escort Florint to the heart of Sillage so that he can close it.

In Search of Odilon

🎲 DM: Ildefons, Ehsan, OneTusk, Alexis, Bukir, and Magalie follow what is assumed to be Odilon's trail, instead finding Imogene, the young artist.

Odilon is Getting Drunk

🎲 DM: Mandrot encounters Odilon while Florint gets some rest.

Splitting Up Again

Seeking Odilon

🎲 DM: Everyone gets back together again, only to discover that Odilon has gone off on his own again. Ildefons, Bukir, Magalie, Imogene, and the two Hands of Liberty search for him. Everyone but the Hands escapes the building. Ildefons finds Odilon.

Closing the Sillage

🎲 DM: Ehsan, Mandrot, OneTusk, and Florint seek out the Sillage and close it.

Faux Chirp Warriors.jpeg
