Vat:07 Investigation
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Starring: Steve,
Amiri, and
Guest Starring: Rahl Dhamm (Prisoner), Paul Ripley, Linka, Detective Glover, Officer Gibson
Challenge: Investigation
Location: Basement Studio Apartment (Prison), Paul Ripley's Condo
Date Played: 5 September 2012
Cop Killa
Pauline: When we realized Linka was at large, we rushed back to the safe-house. This probably wasn't the smartest thing we did, but it made sense at the time. Rahl was safe. As we were trying to decide our next move, the cops arrived. I'm the least threatening, so I went.
I open the door and the cop asks to come inside. That isn't about to happen, but I step outside. And he shoots me. Point blank. Blood is going everywhere, and I can see that he's got that glazed look in his eyes. Linka tailed us.
The cop radios "officer down", and then turns the gun on himself. I do what I can to stop him, and the group runs up after the first gunshots. We manage to keep him from killing himself, but he's shocked.
Steve: Okay, so we're back at the safe-house and all of the sudden we hear the sirens of a pig car out front. So we figure that we can hide it out while Pauline answered the door. Then BANG. We all rush out to see Pauline bleeding all over the place and the pig with a gun to his head. Obviously being MIND CONTROLLED by a certain someone, I save the dude by knocking his gun away just as he's about to off himself.
Good Cop / Bad Cop
Pauline: I go to the hospital, Amiri goes to jail, Steve, Koz and Rahm go out the back. I play tough with the cops, they play tough back. Amiri spills the facts, so I end up going along with him- up to a point. I'm not giving the cops everything.
Officer Gibson- the man who shot me- ends up holding up my end of the story. For a cop, he's a real class act. His wife brings the kids a big turkey dinner. I can tell he feels terrible about it, but it's not his fault. Stupid Linka.
Steve: This place is gonna be swarming with pigs soon, so me and Koz high tail it out of there with Rahl. We take him to a K-Mart to get some clothes. I'm there watching him, and we make some small talk. Then he just decides to leave. Said he was going to Columbia(?), but promised to help get Lenka remotely. His escape might have been a problem, except that we got word from base that we were to let him go. Good timing on that. Later, he sent a post card saying that he had arrived safely.
Broken Entering
Pauline: When I'm up and about, albeit with a little bit of a cane, we end up taking another crack at getting into Paul Ripley's place. With Amiri doing the heavy lifting, we eventually do confirm his apartment. It's hard to say what that's actually gained us, but I do think the boys spooked him.
Steve: So, now we're trying to figure out what to do when it occurred to us that we still had a lose end. We about found this Paul Ripley guys place, but got distracted before. Time to go back and find him for real. Amiri fakes being a courier and we get his apartment number. I set up some surveillance equipment to monitor him. At some point he leaves and Koz follows him.
Pauline: I'm not 100%, but the heavy work is done on my forge, and what better way to christen a gigantic coal-fired, blower-fed pit than a pig roast? Dirty grill some steaks, roast a pig, and pop back some brews. I even invited Officer Gibson and his family, even if it does mean that I've got to keep the pot locked up for the party.
Steve: I got one of these fancy guns, so I'm going to go down to the range and practice while trying not to stand out from the redneck crowd.