Drinking & Dragons

Vat:02 Quiet On The Set!

From Drinking and Dragons

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Starring: Joseph.gif Joseph, Joe.gif Joe, Paulineicon.gif Pauline, Muscle.gif Amiri, Sophia.gif Sophia, Steve.gif Steve, and introducing Koz.gif Koz
Guest Starring: Constance, Linda Wolks (Producer), Sinead Cusack, Jeremy Irons
Challenge: Random Pranks; Invisible Faeries
Location: W&J College
Date Played: 01 June 2012

This Job Will Be Like A Vacation

Joseph.gif Joseph: Being the new hands in the yard, the VAT decides to assign our posse to a simple security gig. Our job is to make sure that misfortune doesn't strike the set of a motion picture called Waterland that happens to be filming south o' da city at a college. We're told that this job'll be easy, like bein' on vacation.

Lil' Joe takes charge o' the place as if all the cattle were gittin' loose and injuns are comin'. I think that boy needs to ease a tad and realize that we're just hired hands to wear uniforms and keep the people running the show happy.

They're After Me Lucky Charms

Joseph.gif Joseph: Of course after a few days o' nothin', little things start to show up, magical things. I see sparks of essence hanging in the air and fading fast, indicatin' to myself that these lil' accidents are more 'in we reckon. I start to use the ole insight trick that I was taught when someone bumps into me, causing me to spill that effort. I'm pissed but that happens time and again.

Eventually we suss out that there be fae surroundin' the shack where Sinead Cusack keeps herself. This critters are a European variant o' the Veeho, or trickster spirits of the plains Injuns. Without using the magics that I did, I couldn't have caught on to what they were or what was goin' on.

Bug Zapper Ward Pissed Off The Faeries


Joseph.gif Joseph: With the Veeho being naturally unseen, we have no idea how to get their attention or make 'em leave. We try to talk with Sinead but she's bull-headed and refuses to acknowledge what we're askin' 'bout. Now this don't surprise me, as few folk are comfortable talking about these subjects, ifin their brains let 'em see it as it is.

So plan B is to put a stick to the hornet's nest. While Sinead is off acting, I draw out a large chalk circle around her shack and embue it with my will. The ward is just about as strong as I kin make it, and I figure that the critters will have a hard time crossing it. Sure, plenty'll be able to, but not all of 'em. We are a hopin' that this'll flush 'em out of hiding so that we can deal wit 'em.

I'm fer reckonin' that they'd come at us right quick but they dont'. Apparently these bastards are more devious. They kill one of their own and leave 'im in a mouse trap with a note that says "Sinead Cusack". Sick bastards. Maybe now we kin git Sinead to be a bit more forthcomin' wit what she knows.