User:Wizardoest/Fancy RPM Landing Page
Royal Pride of Musketeers
Spark. Whoosh. BOOM. And like that the reign of the Sorcier came to a close thanks to the Gunpowder Revolution. No longer are the people oppressed by the powerful few wizards and their apprentices. People and wizards alike are ruled by representatives in the Republic. Knowledge is shared instead of hoarded. It is the start of a worldwide age of enlightenment.
That was 20 years ago. The Sorcier have pushed back, hard, against the age of reason. You are a Lion in the service to the Royal Pride of Musketeers. Your job is to serve the Republic by responding to the threats of the tenacious Sorcier.
Important Links
Members of the Pride Player Characters
Ehsan Mahakala
Former Duskshot Archer for the Order of Wurud
Guardian of the Revolution
Master of the Hunt
Firebreathing Dragonkin
Expert Sharpshooter
Story Session notes written by the players
The Story So Far...
The most recent session is 43 Epilogue
- 0 Worldbuilding and History
- 1 Escaped Sorcier Prisoner
- 2 Sorcier Scum or Double Agent
- 3 Burned Agent
- 4 Prison Break
- 5 End of the Line
- 6 Shoot Him Like a Teenager
- 7 Bad Seed
- 8 Traps and Bombs
- 9 Tashnogen Gem Robbery
- 10 And That's Why You Get A Work Order
- 11 Assault at Morcency's Home
- 12 Rosalie's String of Failed Booty Calls
- 13 Sexual Conquests (and Poor Dice Rolls)
- 14 Elephant in the Room
- 15 Politely Asked To Leave For A While
- 16 Sea Storm
- 17 A Bear Took My Money
- 18 Leaning Bear Hollow
- 19 Sailing Aboard the Thaththy Thaththafrathth
- 20 Mahakala
- 21 Art Emergency
- 22 Scorpion King
- 23 S'Mother
- 24 Just A Bunch of Bean Counters
- 25 Shot
- 26 Farmers; Return of the Swamp Sillage
- 27 Ranch Dressing Room
- 28 Odilon Runs For Office
- 29 Gerry Shot One-Tusk
- 30 Shoot Her In The Exhaust Port
- 31 What Do You Mean We Have To Stop At Every House
- 32 Queen Dragon
- 33 Family Ties
- 34 We Pulled A Mulan
- 35 I Think Myself Out of Prison
- 36 Fire Safety & Rowcastle
- 37 ...132 Mahakalas
- 38 Ildefons’as’saroud
- 39 Team 2: First Blood
- 40 Killing the Astrologer of Condrol
- 41 Let's Get Some Fucking Cake
- 42 The Revolution Lives On
- 43 Epilogue
People NPCs
Categories of NPCs
- Wildblood
- Sorcier
- Lion
- Guard
- Dead
- Guild
- Worshipful Company of Mercers
- Worshipful Company of Firefighters
- Worshipful Company of Salters
- Worshipful Company of Basketweavers
- Worshipful Company of Vintners
- Bear Creek Farm
- Red Wolf Brigade
- Lost Adventurer
- Politician
- Trade Federation
- Scribe
- Order of Wurud
- Merchant
- Seamstresses Guild
- Former Lion
- Bluebird
- Iwi
- Leaning Bear Hollow
- Mahakala Royalty
- Mahakala Face
- Rat Folk
- Hand of Liberty
- Condrol Face
- Urruarte Family
- Suffimer
- Prestidigitator
- High Horn Pass
- Bignon
- Dragon
- Dragon Lock for Zusturad
Category suggestions are welcome.
Lions of the Pride
- Ildefons
- Milady Rosalie
- Hugo
- Florint
- Ehsan Mahakala
- Hernaut
- Iosif Kettleblack
- Lemuel
- Orion Pandis
- Jean Choffard
- Old Man Morency
- Lambert
- Armel
- Fabian Pasteur
- Isabeau Paradis
- Odilon Paradis
- Ernestine Rose
- Violane Kettleblack-Rose
- Renard
- Madhan
- Alexis
- Mandrot
- Noé Tigre
- Pons Morency
- Alt/Sioban
- Alt/Caisse
- Alt/Avaline
- Alt/Bob
- Second Story
The World Itself
Categories of Places
The following is a list of all of the places:
These are the 81 places.- Geography
- Places/Mahakala (City)
- City of Lisway.jpg
- Drumchapel.jpg
- Village of Chirp.jpg
- Places/Lisway (City)
- Continent of Hallbeirge
- City
- Nation of Arkstone
- Nation
- Continent
- Places/Hallbeirge (Continent)
- Places/Drumchapel (Hamlet)
- Places/Chirp (Village)
- Places/La Magie de Prison
- Lisway
- Ancien Portal.jpg
- Places/Ancien Portal
- Heat swamp.jpg
- Places/Heat Swamp Sillage
- Sillage
- Places/Albatross Point Wharf
- Places/The Peasant & Courtesan
- Places/Eben Consulate
- Nation of Eben
- Dorchen Castle.jpg
- Lisway from the ground.jpg
- Nations of the Known World.jpg
- Catacombs under La Magie de Prison.png
- Continents of the Known World.jpg
- Places/Le Roux Mansion
- Places/Bear Creek Farm
- Le Roux Estate Map.jpeg
- Map morency.jpg
- Places/Lion's Head Office
- Places/Seamstresses Guild
- Places/Dragon Cave under Lisway
- Dragon Cave.jpg
- Places/Bluebird
- Ship
- Places/Guardian Marker
- Continent of Fjarora
- Guardian Marker.jpg
- Hunter Ruins.jpg
- Places/Hunter Ruins
- Places/Leaning Bear Hollow
- Leaning Bear Hollow.jpg
- Places/Leaning Beer Tavern
- Leaning Bear Hollow (Location)
- Sorcier HQ corpse flower field.jpg
- Places/Corpse Flower Field
- Places/Crooked Rat
- Redbrook
- Redbrook.jpg
- Places/Wurud Palace
- Places/Crystal Rose Garden
- Places/Public Gardens
- Mahakala
- Mahakala City 1.jpg
- Mahakala City 2.jpg
- Places/Mahakala’as’saroud's Caverns
- Places/Abundance
- Abundance.jpg
- Ivory elephant.jpg
- Places/Ivory Elephant
- Ocean Sillage.jpg
- Places/Ocean Sillage
- Scummy Warehouse.jpg
- Places/Reste des Lumières (Rest of the Enlighteners) Cemetery
- Places/Suffimer, the Sea of Sufficiency
- Suffimer.jpg
- Places/Suffimer (Small Town)
- Mahakala 3.jpg
- Places/High Horn Pass
- High Horn Pass.jpg
- High Horn Pass
- Places/Briskadon (Village)
- Places/Whitetail Bibliotemple
- RPM World Map.png
- Places/Salter's Basilica
- Mahakala-4.jpeg
Rules Playing the Game
Important Rules
- Fate SRD
- Game Rules e.g. "Fate dials"
- Character Creation and Advancement
- Firearms
- Wealth and Favors
All Rules Pages
- PCs/Character Sheet
- Gaming Charter
- Roll20 rolling templates
- Game Rules
- Firearms
- Character Creation/Examples/Aspects
- 0 Worldbuilding and History
- Sillage (Portals)
- Wealth and Favors
- PCs/Advancement Log
- Wizardoest/Fate/Ride Skill
- Code Duello
- Animal Transformation
- PCs/Party Sheet for Reference
- PCs/Creating Alternate PCs
- Introduction and Worldbuilding
- Character Creation and Advancement
- Wizardoest/Fate/Survival Skill
Question or comment about a rule? Post it to the Facebook group.